Eric is trained and certified to help couples increase communication, work towards secure attachment, build intimacy and build trust through the DARe Method (Dynamic Attachment Re-Patterning experience). Eric specializes in working with couples where both partners are committed to the relationship and are looking for support to navigate relational challenges within the relationship. Parents are encouraged to inquire.

In Person in Hudson - $225 for 90 minutes

Telehealth on Zoom - $225 for 75 minutes

The DARe Method was developed by Dr. Diane Poole Heller. This method is a cutting edge blend of somatic experiencing and attachment therapy. All people form an attachment style starting early in life, and through their adult relationships. When couples engage in the DARe method, they can learn about their own and their partners attachment style, and achieve greater security and harmony in the relationship, with less anxiety, and less avoidance.

Eric can also provide Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (psychedelic assisted therapy) for couples who are seeking to jump start empathy in the relationship.

Book a free 15 minute consultation to meet me and see how I can help